12 Reasons why an Owners Rep should be part of your team

Ask anyone who’s been involved in a renovation or new construction process, and they’ll likely tell you the project was frustrating and overwhelming. They may have encountered some painful surprises or unknowing made a costly mistake. Maybe the schedule was blown, the costs escalated, employees were irritated, or management was unhappy.  Once the project was complete, it likely took a long time for the dust to settle and things to get back to normal. It doesn’t have to be like that!

Often, owners and business leaders underestimate how complex a construction process can be. At the beginning of the project, you hire an architect and feel enthusiastic. The project is underway, and things are going well. You collaborate with your team and designers to create goals for the budget, schedule, quality, and functionality. Sometimes this all works out and you have a successful and stress-free project. However, there are times this is far from the case. The risks are high if anything goes amiss with the hundreds of decisions that owner’s need to make along the way. Face it, this is not your field of expertise.

In the end, if the project spirals downward and the owner’s goals are incomplete, your organization may lose time, money, and productivity. You could fail to provide for your clients, hurt your company’s reputation, or put undue strain on your family and personal life. There is a better way. (Having an Owner’s Representative as your advocate can lead you down a better path to meeting your end goals)
Traditionally the project team involves the Owner, Designer, and Contractor. So, what is wrong with this arrangement? Two of the team members are truly knowledgeable when it comes to construction. The owner is least experienced team member and is the one writing the check. This is where the owner’s representative (O.R.) can help. Clients who have not used an O.R. on previous construction projects may think, “What is the point of hiring you?” An O.R. might seem like an additional unnecessary expense. All vendors on a given construction project have a key role and/or expertise, an O.R. provides critical services to the owner throughout the project.

The Owners Rep will:

Part 1 - Click to read more

Part 1 - Click to read more

Part 3 - Click to read more

Part 3 - Click to read more

Part 5 - Click to read more

Part 7 - Click to read more

Reason 1: - Look Out for Your Best Interests

Reason 2: - Save You Time and Money

Reason 3: - Keeps the big picture in mind


Reason 6: - Assist you with the best fee agreement with your design professional.


Reason 8: - Assisting you in determining the best project delivery method with your contractor.


Reason 10: - Sorting through all of the industry jardon and making sure you understand the drawings.

Part 2 - Click to read more

Part 2 - Click to read more

Part 4 - Click to read more

Part 4 - Click to read more

Part 6 - Click to read more

Reason 4: - Help with Feasibility Study

Reason 5: - Ensure Proper Due Diligence is Completed


Reason 7: - How & When to Select a Design Professional


Reason 9: - So you can focus on your business and personal life and not be burdened with your project