Reasons 1, 2, and 3
12 Reasons to Hire an Owner’s Representative
#1 - Owner’s Representative will look out for your best interest.
When compiling project teams, everyone wants the best for their project. The fact of the matter is, sometimes consultants have conflicting interests: design trends, design integrity, portfolios, the desire to work for property owners, commission dollars, their next project, and of course, their bottom line. It is important that you have an industry expert on your team whose personal stake in your project are your goals and objectives.
#2 - Owner’s Representative will Save You Time and Money:
This can involve identifying cost savings solutions like pre-buying equipment, proactively reviewing all drawings, including common change orders in preliminary construction documents, along with other strategies. An O.R. can manage your project, allowing you to continue with your other responsibilities and not get sidetracked. This ensures that the owner’s stays efficient in their business while the project is underway.
#3 - Owner’s Representative will keep the big picture in mind.
By understanding the entire project from planning to execution, an O.R. serves a broader role as the conduit between designers, constructors, and your organization to ensure a successful project. Managing a project can be challenging. Approaching it with a structured plan and process will help you handle whatever challenges arise.